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Mr. Jokes, Ching’aning’ani are the faces of Easter Theatre Festival

Peak Comedians of Malawi Mr. Jokes, Ching’aning’ani as two of the highlights of our Easter Theatre Festival 25th-27th April 2025

McArthur Matukuta, Festival Director:” These two are carrying the face of Malawi in comedy circles.”

Last week these two have now signed the contract with the Easter Theatre Festival and the partnership is offical. We are really happy featuring them and we are geared to work with more international comedians from Zambia meaning Uncle Limbani and Kendibone Mlauzi from South Africa. Kendibone Mlauzi was recently announced on all of our Social Media platforms. We are so happy to feature him and we hope that we can give you a greater experience.

In total we will host 30 performers from Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, South Africa, France, Gernay, Portugal, Spain and Norway. Our theme is “Celebrate Culture through Theatre” and “Enhancing Sustainable Theatre Developement” This is also why we are so excited for all of the performances from all over the world and really Enhancing Theatre Developement.

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